Monday, September 30, 2019

Assessments in a care environment Essay

Although there are many hazards that could be potential risks in the food environment in a hospital, there are a few which have the highest risk of  occurring and could then cause the most harm to both the service users and service providers. Whilst preparing and cutting vegetables, there is a risk that someone could cut themselves with a sharp knife or cutting equipment. Although the likelihood of this happening could be quite high when there is a lack of training involved, the severity of the injury or damage to health would be quite low considering many injuries that occur this way would be easily seen to and treated by the first aider or the person in charge. However, to prevent this risk occurring at all, all staff should be supplied with the appropriate equipment they should use and training so they are aware of how to handle the equipment in the right manor. A low level of sanitation in a food environment could cause there to be a wider and much quicker spread of bacteria through the food and surfaces which could prove to be harmful, especially in a hospital environment. Due to health and safety regulations being followed by all caring establishments, the likelihood of this happening would be a 2. However if there weren’t regulations being followed by the hospital and this was to occur then the severity could potentially be a 4/5 as the spread of bacteria in a hospital setting would be made worse when considering the weaker people in the hospital and those whose immune systems wouldn’t be able to fight off bad bacteria as well as other and could get sick or their condition could worsen if they already are sick. To prevent this all supervisors should ensure legislations, policies and procedures are being followed at all times to ensure maximum sanitation and cleanliness. Due to the wide variety of people consuming the food in the hospital, it would be vital to take into consideration allergies some people may have and to ensure they are not given food that contains or has been made in the same area as the food they are allergic to. Although the likelihood of this happening is just a 3 due to the fact all staff should adhere to procedures and take into consideration peoples allergies anyway, the severity of this if it occurs could be a 4/5 due to the fact allergic reactions could potentially severe and some cases could even lead to death. To ensure all precautions are taken with these activities and to minimise the risks which could occur from the hazards there are many things that can be done or put into place and thus prevent patients, staff or visitors from  harm. Firstly, to prevent somebody cutting themselves while they are preparing food they should be given training before hand to ensure they are aware of how to use the equipment appropriately and make sure they know which piece of equipment is the most appropriate for the type of food they are preparing. Under the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policy it states that all employers have duties concerning the provisions and use of PPE at work and should provide safety training to ensure no members of staff come to any harm (, 2015). To prevent the spread of bacteria and ensure the safety of everyone who is to consume the food available, all staff should also be given training on the appropriate ways and places to store food at the right temperatures to ensure the risk of bacteria growth is minimised. Managers of businesses or areas dealing with food have a duty to ensure all food is safe to eat, all harmful or out of date food is removed and unable to be consumed and records should be kept of where the food was bought from to provide evidence if needed. This emphasises the importance of how the Food safety act 1990 should be put into place to ensure the employers and employees stick to their duties to ensure maximum safety for service users. Also hand sanitiser should be provided and available around the hospital including the kitchen to prevent cross contamination that way (, 2015). Finally, to ensure the safety of patients and minimise the risk of something fatal happening to them, all allergies they have to foods should be recorded down and available to all kitchen staff who will be preparing food. These records should be checked regularly and all food should be prepared on separate work surfaces or chopping boards to reduce the risk of cross contamination and any allergic reactions occurring. Physical exercise class Although many form of exercise and physical movement for many patients would be greatly beneficial to their health and wellbeing, it could also prove to provide more harm to health than good if precautions are not taken. Spilt water on the floor where someone may be exercising could prove to be harmful and cause damage to their health if it isn’t seen and cleaned up by someone. Although there is just a likelihood of just 2, the severity could potentially be 3 as an injury to someone in a hospital who could be elderly  could be fatal and cause serious damage to their weak bones and skin. To minimise to risk you could put control measures into place including not allowing any food or drink to be consumed in the exercise area and to have a separate room for them to be stored. Too much exercise for some patients could over work them and cause an injury to their health if it is repeated. Exercise can cause a vast increase in both heart rate and blood pressure and could lead to ma ny serious problems if an elderly patient is doing too much. The likelihood of this causing harm to patients is 1 as both patients and staff should be aware of when too much exercise is being done and if they’re working too hard. However, if this was to occur, the severity would be 5 as weaker elderly patients could suffer from a heart attack or stroke over time if they aren’t being monitored on what exercise they’re doing and the effect it is having on their health. To control this all service providers involved in the physical activities and wellbeing of the patients should know and keep records of any conditions the patients may have which could lead to adverse effects or weaken them. All patient files should have records of what exercise patients have done to ensure they do enough to stay health but not too much that they cause themselves harm or injury. There should also be multiple members of staff observing exercise sessions to keep an eye on those more likely to over work themselves. If patients are showed how to warm up and down properly then they could injure themselves more then what they would if they warmed up. Also, if the exercise is too harsh and causes patients to have to put a lot of effort in just to complete tasks then the severity should be decreased to allow them better health. This would also help prevent a majority of excess aches and pains that would come from treating their body too harshly. Because of possible high severity of an incident is water was spilt during an exercise class, precautions should be put into place to minimise this risk and decrease the likelihood of it ever happening and injuring a patient. If drinks are restricted to one particular area or room away from where the exercise is taking place then there would be a decrease in the risk of anything being spilt in certain areas. Also if patients doing the exercise were given regular breaks to have a drink and a rest they would prevent spillages as well as prevent any pains occurring by doing too much exercise.  Secondly, the amount of exercise each individual patient is able to do would be subjective on the individual and therefore not all the patients should be forced into doing as much as others may do if they are less capable. Each patients amount of exercise should be monitored and recorded to ensure they get the right amount but are not getting too much. Also by monitoring them it would be easier to identify if any of the patients are struggling with any of the exercise methods or are in too much pain to carry on. This also applies to the third point made. The patients shouldn’t be doing exercise which is too harsh for them to carry out or if they don’t completely understand what they are doing because they could do it wrong and injure themselves severely. By allowing them to warm up and down before and after they carry out exercises and by showing them how to carry it out appropriately would lower the risk of injury and allow them to enjoy it instead of being in pain. Visiting Times Visiting hours are the busiest times in a hospital and so could potentially have many hazards involved in allowing people in and out of the hospital without appropriate precautions taken. Poor sanitation from new visitors could potentially be a big problem in a hospital as bacteria will be being bought into the wards and could enhance the spread of infections or diseases. Due to the fact a hospital has a wide variety of patients including elderly and those who have recently had surgery (meaning they may also have open wounds) the spread of bacteria could be hazardous to their health and the healing process of their injuries/wounds. The Likelihood of this happening would be 2 which is significantly low considering the change of law in 1995 which ‘provided specific recommendations to promote improved hand-hygiene practices and reduce transmission of pathogenic microorganisms to patients and personnel in health-care settings’ (,2014). However the severity of a lack of sanitation would potentially be a 4/5 as the spread of bacteria and therefore infections and diseases could be harmful to people’s health and if unable to fight it off, it could possibly even shut down some peoples immune systems. To minimise the risks of this there should be hand sanitizer and hand was stations placed all around the hospital with signs so the visitors remember to clean their hands and kill off unwanted  bacteria. Security is a vital party of a hospital to ensure the safety of everyone in the building. Without a high level of security around the hospital anyone would have access into and out of the building that may not be authorised. This could mean unwanted visitors may come in and read documents they are unauthorised to, or even confused elderly patients may get out without realising it and end up injuring themselves outside without anyone there to help. This hazard would have a likelihood of 1 and a severity of a potential 4/5 because, although it is very unlikely to happen in a hospital, if a patient were to get out they could get themselves into all sorts of trouble and not realise the danger of traffic outside causing fatal injuries or maybe even death. CCTV should be in place to monitor people in the hospital and all wards should be locked so only authorised people are able to enter and exit. Damage to property could occur during visiting hours as the hospital will be crowded with a variety of people, patients and staff which could cause some things to be damaged or broken, especially when there are a large number of visitors at one time. Although this would not directly affect the health of service users or service providers, it is a hazard to the hospital and would cost a lot of money in repairs each year if there are no control measures in place. CCTV would help monitor any damage that would occur and the person behind the damage; however there should also be signs around the hospital reminding visitors to stay orderly and respectful at all times on the wards and around the building. Due to the fact that so many different people will be entering and leaving the hospital, they could be carrying many different types of bacteria into the hospital which could cause a higher risk of the spread of infection. By providing hand sanitiser and making it widely available around the hospital and wards, all visitors and people who enter the hospital will be able to reduce the amount of bacteria they are bringing in and reduce the risk of infection. There is a hand hygiene policy which should be put into place in the hospital to ensure the safety of patients and visitors. It is well known that hand hygiene is one of the most important factors in preventing the spread of infection and the unwashed hands of all healthcare professionals and visitors is the most important route of cross-infection in the  healthcare environment (Ayliffe at al, 2000). Secondly, there should be an appropriate amount of security in and around the hospital to ensure only authorised people are getting in and out of the building. CCTV cameras should be working and placed all around the building and there should be security systems put in places at all of the entrances and exits to ensure the risk of unwanted visitors or patients getting out is minimised. This would also lower the risk of any property being damaged and if it does occur it would allow the staff to look back over the footage and identify who was at fault for any damages that occur. Although the likelihood of these occurring is predictably low, it would decrease the severity of incidents which occur as it would allow people to be identified and things could be managed before they get out of hand. Dispensing of medicines Prescribing and dispensing medicine is a vital role in hospitals to ensure all patients get the medication they need to help them recover, however there could be many possible hazards involved with dispensing medicines that could cause harm to patients and their health. Prescribing patients with the wrong dosage of medication is a possible hazard as it could lead to the patient having an overdose or having serious health problems afterwards. Although the likelihood is low the severity if this does occur is high as the health effects would be very negative and put patients health into a decline. To prevent this all patients records should be checked beforehand to ensure they are being prescribed the right amount, also the medication should be double checked before being handed to the patient to ensure no mistakes have been made. If medication is left on the side it could be consumed by someone who doesn’t need it, by a visitor not knowing what it is or even by a child who mista kes them for sweets. This could cause great harm as someone who takes them could overdose and it would have negative effects on their health if taken in large quantities, especially to a child. All medication should be locked away in a cupboard or be handled/observed by a nurse or doctor at all times to ensure no one can take them when they don’t need to or accidently. Needles could be a hazard in a hospital if not used correctly or if a nurse slips while holding one. If found left lying around someone could use one and pierce their skin injecting themselves with  something they don’t know about, or even risking infection by finding a dirty needle and using that. Also if a nurse slips whilst holding on they could injure themselves or the patient by accidently stabbing the skin. This isn’t very likely to happen as all nurses should be provided the appropriate training on how to handle needles and dangerous equipment so they don’t make a mistake. Also, all needles should be di sposed of immediately after use so they cannot be used again and cause cross-contamination. The severity for all hazards which could occur for dispensing medicines are all high and so to reduce the risk of anything serious happening or anyone being injured, policies and procedures must be put into place to ensure people’s safety in the hospital. All patient records must be checked before they are prescribed with a medicine to ensure they are provided with the right type of medicine and the right dosage. If this is done wrong it could potentially eventually lead to death for an unfortunate patient and so the dispensing of medicines policy should be put into place. The policy states that all medication should be stored, administered and disposed of appropriately to ensure minimum harm and training must be given to staff to make sure they understand how vital and critical their role could be (oxfordshireccg.nhs, 2013). All medication must be locked away and not left lying around the hospital to ensure only the appropriate staff members who have had training are able to access it and no children or vulnerable people are able to pick it up off the side and take medication which could make them sick. Finally, it is evident that needles are dangerous pieces of equipment if mishandled or in the wrong hands and so the dispensing of medicines policy should be ensured and put into place because of this fact also. All used and unwanted needles should be disposed of immediately instead of being left lying around and all staff should have training before they start in their role to ensure they know how to handle a needle and to make sure they don’t injure themselves or anyone else with one (goshospital, 2015). Moving patients between wards Naturally there would be many risks involved with carrying out this activity as there are a lot of precautions that would needed to be adhered to to make  it successful. There could also be many complications to consider if you were moving an elderly, weak or disorientated patient. The likelihood of any of the hazards occurring is low due to training the staff have and regulations they follow to ensure safety. Using the appropriate equipment is vital when moving a patient between wards as it would assist to lift and transport the patient without causing any harm to the health of either the patient or the member of staff. If a nurse is moving a patient on their own without a hoist or any help, they could injure their back by not lifting properly or injure the patient if they’re lifted in the wrong way. According to the manual handling regulations 1992 all staff should be provided with PPE and training on how to carry out tasks like these to avoid injuries or harm. The likelihood of any harm occurring is low if the regulation is followed however the severity could be 3 as the damage it could cause may need special attention. Dropping patients would be a risk if they are heavy or awkward to lift between one place to another. The severity of this if it happens would be quite high depending on the state of the patient, especially if the patient being moved is elderly or fragile, they could easily break a bone or more damage would be caused if they are dropped. Busy corridors during visiting hours could cause complications when moving a patient as it would make it a lot harder. If some of the corridors or lifts are busy you would not be able to move the patient as quickly and efficiently as liked/needed. Also, if there are people milling about the corridors it would be easier for the patient to be knocked over or injured by accident. The severity of something happening while a patient is being moved between the hospital is on average 2.5 which could be severe in the wrong situations and so staff must be provided with the right equipment and training to prevent the risk of injury or the likelihood of anything happening. Under the personal protective equipment policy it states that all staff members should be provided with the correct equipment to carry out tasks to prevent injury to themselves and the other person involved (, 2015). This could include someone like a hoist to prevent injury to the staff members back and to ensure that the patient is being lifted properly. Although dropping a patient has a low likelihood and may not happen easily, if it  does it could be severely fatal to the patient and cause them a lot of injuries. The risk of this happening would also be minimised if the correct equipment was provided to ensure the staff member doesn’t assert strain on their back/ body and it ensure that there is enough power to lift the patient, especially if the member of staff isn’t very strong. Finally to make it easier to move patients it should be done when the hospital isn’t busy so there are no visitors mulling around and getting in the way. References, (2015). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Food safety – your responsibilities – GOV.UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]., (2015). Food Safety Act 1990. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015]. Hospital, G. (2015). Sharps: disposal of used sharps – Clinical guidelines – Health professionals – Great Ormond Street Hospital. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jan. 2015].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Free time Essay

Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that develop the mind, such as reading and doing crossword puzzles. Others feel that it is important to give one’s mind a rest in leisure time. Discuss. Relaxing our mind has been a vital part of spending our free time for thousands of years. Most of the people find relaxing activities like reading a book while others love to stay in the park, just see a boring TV channel or discuss with friends in front of a cup of tea or coffee. Even if maybe some persons will not totally agree with me, I consider that two of the most important activities that should eat our free time are the reading of a book and outdoor activities with family or friends. Reading has always been one of the activities that fascinated the human mind and as long as we read books written in a language that we do not find difficult to understand, we should find reading a relaxing activity. Of course, as long as the books we are reading are not too technical to make us realize that we are not reading for fun but for study. For example I remember when my sister told me that by reading for relaxation she found God and that changed her life. She was reading mostly religious books. Another activity which I personally consider that can have an important effect in our life are outdoor activities with family members or friends. This activities will help us be in a good shape for a long period of time and in the same time will help us develop strong close relationships with the persons we are spending our time with. And strong and close relationships are vital to have with people we would like to have around us for longer periods of time. For example I remember that we when I was younger I was going a lot for fishing with my father and over the years this activity become very important for us and made us to have have a very special relation. In conclusion spending our time is very important and we should have a really clear idea between spending some time and loosing some time. I strongly believe that reading a book will help our mind and develop our vocabulary and when we have more time and weather is with us, spending some time outside with family or friends will help our relations. I just hope that less and less people will find important activities like playing computer games and watch television series.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bayeux Tapestry (Experience-Letter) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bayeux Tapestry (Experience-Letter) - Essay Example The Bayeux Tapestry depicts the events leading up to and during the Battle of Hastings. It is a tribute to William the Conqueror and his successful invasion of England, which brought about the end of the Anglo-Saxon reign of England and started the claim of the crown by Norman leaders.† (The Bayeux, n. p.)Many colors are used for the creation of this Tapestry. The Bayeux Tapestry tells the story, but its own story remains untold, and if it is told, it lacks veracity. Its origin, the reasons for its origin and its creators are not definitely known. The Tapestry is enmeshed in a web of controversy as for its genesis. Amidst the thick of the battle or immediately after the battle in whose mind such a poetic and artistic idea must have dawned? That individual cannot be a fire-brand, gun wielding general. He could be an art-loving King who has won the battle or a philosopher-historian. â€Å"Bishop Odo was William the Conqueror’s half-brother, and Odo features in the Bayeux Tapestry. As well as being William’s brother, the finished tapestry fits nicely inside the nave of the Bayeux Cathedral, suggesting that the Bayeux Tapestry is designed specifically for Odo and his cathedral. If this is the case, then Bishop Odo would have been responsible for approving the plans, designs and scenes created for the Bayeux Tapestry†. So, religion and politics both play part in the making of this Tapestry. As I move near the Tapestry and study it from the closest angle possible, I feel as if a spokesperson has materialized from it. and he speaks in a low voice that is audible to me only and not to other tourists who have come in a group to see it. That voice says, â€Å"I am a mere wall-hanging, an object of art to the one who views me thus. Only a few realize the historical facts that go in my creation, the battles that it represents, and I think you are one of them. I am part of the pages of human history daubed in bloodshed. My design is mysterious an d my story is appalling. Unless you are serious student of history, a researcher, you will not be able to recognize me. Am I right? Instead of inviting you to identify me, instead of beating about the bush on the preliminaries related to this tapestry, let me introduce myself to you. Lifestyles have changed; the dress codes for the fighting forces have changed. The modern fashion designers will not be able to make the head and tail of our dresses.† The voice continues, â€Å"I am Vital, a vassal of bishop Odo. Army moves and positioning of soldiers is one of the trickiest assignments in the era to which we belong. The moves and countermoves are decided on the basis of day to day reporting by those who are posted in the forward scouting positions. Just as the tapestry designs change in relation to the fashion trends, the moves in war change as per the demand of the strategy, tactics and allied issues prevailing on the decision making time. I, along with two others, am in charg e of supervising the work on the Tapestry. Scouting is important in that era, to know the battle-ready position of the enemy and to plan the counter moves. I am part of the forward scouting positions. So, while creating the Tapestry, I am in a position to give the exact details as to the happenings in the battle front. You are amazed to see the type of dress we the soldiers wear and some of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

International trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International trade - Essay Example Consequently, I would involve National Labor Regulation Act (NLRA) senior officials as external forces to help bring sanity in the negotiation process because Custer is a private sector organization and is therefore regulated by NLRA. I would advice union members not to report to duty and stay calm if Custer’s officials staged a lockout for a day. If union members were to go on strike and the court gives an injunction against the strike, I would appeal against the injunction and pursue the strike agenda until the members’ grievances are addressed by Custer officials. The major advantage of collective bargaining negotiation is that its multi-factor aspect necessitates furnished negotiation research that is important (Oraro 106). However, political nature of union officials may make collective bargaining negotiation a nightmare because union officials forget this political aspect thus embarrassing their members publicly. The real problem is the fact that union members have turned down the offer of salary reduction that would be followed by reinstatement of the current salary figure and a further three percent increment in their wages. I would use interest based bargaining technique to force union members to accept my offer. The advantage of this is that both the union and the employers could use separate factions to consider the dissimilar options that might be undertaken to address the matter at hand. The meetings can be held away from the public and thus advocate for options that had not been used before. The major disadvantage of this is the difficulty with which to determine if certain topics are compulsory bargaining topics that have to be discussed with the union (Oraro 113). A call for a strike by the union would disrupt work schedule and probably lead to poor financial results. Interest based bargaining does not mean that one party gives in to the demands of the other. This would consequentl y mean that the company must not

Thursday, September 26, 2019

When I got my drivers licences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

When I got my drivers licences - Essay Example I sought the input of friends and relatives, people I could trust, who had been there before me. The advice was good – well, at least it made sense to me. â€Å"Be sure that the car you take the test in is clean and smells good,† my best friend offered, â€Å"Or it’ll really tick the tester off and they’ll knit-pick you to death until you fail the behind the wheel.† He swore that exact scenario happened to someone he personally knew. â€Å"Make sure that you take a vehicle that has good air conditioning,† (I was taking my test in July), â€Å"because if it’s hot and you don’t have air, forget about it. The tester is going to want to get through it really quick and you can bet you’ll have to go back and take the behind the wheel again,† was the advice of my older sister. This too made sense to me. The day arrived when I was finally ready to take my behind-the-wheel exam. I had convinced my dad to let me use his caddy, instead of mom’s Vovlo. At first my dad was reluctant to let me use the caddy, but by the time I promised to cut the grass, clean the garage, and take out the garbage on time for the rest of my life at home, he gave in and agreed to let me use it. It would be later that night when I would fully realize that I had committed to so much work around the house that I might never have time to drive even if I did pass my test. My mother drove me to the DMV and we parked in a space where I wouldn’t have any trouble backing out of it once the tester was in the car with me. My mother whispered as we were walked up to the building, â€Å"Now remember, for parallel parking, just aim for the curb and as soon as it looks like your back wheels are touching the curb, straighten it out and you’re home free.† Okay, I thought, that sounds good too; but why was she whispering. Was there a law about getting advice from your mother on test day? I hadn’t read anything about that in the manual. Once inside the building

Green Energy - How will green energy technology prove to overcome the Research Paper

Green Energy - How will green energy technology prove to overcome the challenges of providing energy to the world - Research Paper Example Man will devise ways to substitute the materials endangered by exhaustion like fossil and nuclear energy sources, with renewable energy sources. Renewable energy will continue to combat â€Å"greenhouse gas emissions within the power sector† (Moselle, Padilla and Schmalensee 160). This paper discusses important sources of green energy, and why these sources are known as renewable sources of energy. First of all, it is important to describe the types of renewable energy sources. Sun power, wind power and water power are three main sources of green energy. Sun power produces solar energy, and is a very powerful form of energy. It has been there since ages, and will remain there till the end of the world, providing heat and light energy to all forms of lives- animals, plants and humans. Solar energy is called renewable energy due to a variety of reasons. First, when modern technological methods convert solar energy into electricity, no smoke is produced. So, there is no production of carbon dioxide and other toxic chemicals in the air. Also, the supply of solar energy is not limited, so, there is no worry about running out of energy. However, solar power cannot always be relied upon, as there is no sun in the night or in cloudy weather. Solar cells and solar panels are two main devices that convert solar energy into electrical energy. Solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells , are found in smaller devices as calculators, and are also used for bigger purposes like in road signs. Solar thermal power plants and the parabolic trough systems are modern technological methods that use solar panels that trap in sun power to heat up water that, in turn, produces electrical energy. Another source of renewable energy is water, called hydro-power. Since water in motion produces kinetic energy, this scientific fact is used by hydro-electric power

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Defining Hot Spots As a Crime Analyst Coursework

Defining Hot Spots As a Crime Analyst - Coursework Example Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 10) explains that are identified areas on a map that are characterized by a high intensity of crime. These areas are developed so that analysts and researchers can examine the identified geographic areas, in relation to crime. The crime hotspot is a geographical analysis. It is developed basing on the crime pin maps of a reported criminal events, over a given period of time. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 13) maintains that crime hotspots can vary. It can either be a small building, within a certain location, or even a certain locality within a community. However, the occurrence of crime must be persistent, for at least one year. Theorists and researchers normally examine the development of crime hotspots, and the reasons as to why crime is prevalent in these hotspots. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 9) explains that coming up with a map that identifies certain hotspot is an influential and critical tool of policing. This is because they provide an understanding and knowledge of different areas within a town, and on how best to secure these areas. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2006, p. 22) believes that by identifying small areas where crime is prone, their would be a reduction of crime rates within the country. This is because the police would concentrate in these tiny areas leading to a reduction in the overall rates of crime. There exist three major types of crime hot spots, namely, crime generators, crime attractors, and crime enablers. Crime generators are physical places whereby large numbers of people gather for purposes that are not related to crime (Chainey and Ratcliffe, 2006, p.10). These areas provide an opportunity for criminals and offenders to engage in a crime or a disorder. Examples of crime generators include transportation hubs, shopping malls, sporting events, and festivals. Examples of criminal activities that these places are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neoliberalism, growth and Accumulation - Essay Example On the other hand, Japan went through a period of economic stagnation resulting from declining land prices while the unification of Germany also contributed to the slow economic growth in Europe. Essentially, all these observations imply that after the neoliberal changes that occurred from the perspective of the state and economy, the macroeconomic variables including inflation, interest and unemployment rates and aggregate outputs were affected (Glyn, 2006). In view of this, this paper will examine to what extent the macroeconomic variables of the neoliberal era are the result of neoliberal changes to the state and economy. By the 1970s, neoliberalism was increasingly becoming the prominent governance form in many economies of the world with its political ideals of liberating markets from governmental influences and interferences (Kotz, 2002). Seen as another way of looking at finance-led capitalism, neoliberalism was adopted in the place of capitalism after 1978. Neoliberalism came into being as a theory of political-economic practices founded on the notion that the well-being of humans will be guaranteed when individual entrepreneurial skills and freedoms are liberated in institutional frameworks with private property rights and free markets (Harvey, 2005). It follows, therefore, that neoliberal ideas and changes altered the way states operated and heavily promoted market-based economies that valued competition and efficiency highly. According to Campbell (2005), it was the exit of the state from its role in managing capital that led to the success of free markets and led to exceptional growth especi ally in the US. Therefore, financial liberalization led to growth in aspects such as consumption, investment in private business, financial internalization, land prices and technological productivity (Glyn, 2006). However, it is imperative to note that such growth and stability was mainly in the US because globally, the economy was facing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Problem Exists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Problem Exists - Essay Example And above all, considering the aspect of consulting group activities may give rise to groupism within the classroom environment and also at times may involve a substantial time to find solution to the stated problem. Emphasizing these disadvantages the paper further recommends certain solution measures in resolving the identified issue. A Problem Exists With the advent of globalization and the rapid development in the field of technology, it has been viewed that competitiveness amid people to strengthen their professional identification and recognition in the global world, is also growing at a rapid pace. Correspondingly, English as a language has become one of the mostly used and demanded skills among competent professionals around the globe in today’s increasingly competitive business world. People strive to learn the language as it provides them additional opportunity to get a better job in the corporate world. Considering the growing needs of the language it has been viewe d that people, especially from the Asian region are moving to western countries to pursue their higher education and also to gain proficiency in the language. However, it has been viewed that numerous problem exist amid them when they move to the countries like the US or the UK. In this context, various solutions have been identified, which would help in mitigating the identified problem of foreign learners facing problem in speaking English owing to their perceived discrimination, if implemented effectively (Kuwahara, 2005). Thesis Statement With reference to the identified problem i.e. perceived discrimination among English learners from foreign communities, it has been viewed that the issues can be considered as a minor problem in-contrast to other glitches that exist worldwide. However, it is worth mentioning that the prescribed solutions for the establishment of special class sessions, conducting group activities, working in collaboration with special organizations and proving learning materials like audio clips among others may contain certain loop holes. This thesis will therefore intend to identify three possible disadvantages that may obstruct the effective implementation of the prescribed solutions. Discussion The problem area of perceived discrimination amid English learners from foreign communities is considered to be one of the major problems in the academic sector, especially in the western countries. With the growing need of English language, it has been viewed that people from Asian countries are migrating in the US and the UK as research conducted by many prestigious centers have listed these two nations to offer services of the world’s best universities and colleges resulting in attracting more foreign students and professors in the search of academic excellence (TSL Education Ltd., 2010). However, as English is considered to be the prime language spoken in these nations, foreigners’ ability to speak in this language often raise s barriers to their performance and duration of them to be settled in these western societies. It has often been viewed in this context that there exists a sense of perceived disc

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Learning and Memory.An introduction to theories of learning Essay Example for Free

Learning and Memory.An introduction to theories of learning Essay Learning and Memory Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cleaning the room is the target behaviour in Bobby’s case. Mr. Kelly tries to keep on reminding his eight year old child to clean his room but it is always in vain. Since Mr. Kelly needs help in increasing the frequency of his child cleaning his room it could be assumed that bobby is trained and knows how to clean his room. The possible reason as to why he keeps on refraining from this task is however unclear.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Operant conditioning is a method of learning that incorporates acquisition of behaviour and facing the consequences of the behaviour. In this type of learning rewards are given to the learner either to encourage or discourage future repetition of the same behaviour (Olson Hergenhahn, 2013). Operant conditioning can be used to encourage Bobby in cleaning up his room. Through the various components of operant conditioning Mr. Kelly can apply to encourage Bobby clean his room. Operant conditioning has two major concepts, reinforcement and punishment, which could be used in different ways to encourage bobby to clean his room.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reinforcement involves using reward that would otherwise increase the chances of bobby cleaning his room more often. Mr. Kelly could use various rewards such as giving bobby time to watch T.V, buying little gifts that are issued each time bobby cleans his room. Such motivating factors will encourage bobby to clean up his room. Reinforcement is of two types, positive and negative reinforcement, both ways can be capitalised in changing the behaviour of bobby. In positive reinforcement for instance Mr. Kelly needs to look for items such as toys or bars of chocolate, preferably Mr. Kelly could choose some of the items bobby loves most and use them to reward bobby after cleaning the room.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Continuous use of negative reinforcement over a long period of time would lead to Bobby developing an attitude towards cleaning his room. Thus positive reinforcement could be applied. For reinforcement to be effective both method should be used concurrently. Fixed ratio schedule and variable ratio schedules can be used to implement and encourage bobby to always clean the room. Fixed ratio schedule will always reward bobby after a number of times he has cleaned the room. This method will give immediate positive responses from bobby but would be consuming for Mr. Kelly. Variable ratio schedule would award bobby after irregular intervals of response from him. This can be very effective to reinforce Bobby to clean the room because the reinforcement can come all through the first week and make the reluctance of cleaning the house an extinct behaviour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I will apply the operant conditioning to account for Jackie’s development of the behaviour of phobia towards dogs. This is because the operant conditioning shows or explains why the organisms will acquire learned behaviour that they exhibit. The vital focus of operant conditioning is by use of reinforcements as punishments or reward so as to increase or decrease the likelihood of occurrence or repetition of certain behaviour (Staddon Cerutti, 2003). In the case of Jackie, she received a negative reinforcement from the dog bite and hence the phobia towards dogs development. Also the stitches and the time that she spent on medication made her develop the negative attitude towards dogs. This is because, in operant conditioning, it is clear that continued use of negative reinforcement will lead to the victim developing an attitude towards that object or behaviour.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some of the behaviour modification that could be designed to help Jackie to overturn the phobia that she has with dogs could be: Jackie could first of all spend time with her spouse with a company the trained dogs. This will help Jackie to see that dogs were not wild and they always do not bite any time you had an encounter with them. This will somehow help her reverse the phobia she had towards dogs and also help her see the positive side of the dogs. She should also be allowed to spend time with the trained dogs with the dogs being guided by the trainer to remain lively, obedient and helpful to Jackie. This will act as a positive reinforcement towards Jackie’s behaviour. She will slowly by slowly start liking dogs and hence they will have a happy life with her partner thereafter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two main principles of operant conditioning that are evident in the case of Emma. First by the parents trying to offer Emma some kind of reward, they are trying to positively reinforce the behaviour of cleaning her room and toys through the principle of positive reinforcement. Also through putting her out, they are applying the principle of positive punishment by trying to add something bad so that she cannot repeat the same mistake.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Operant conditioning theory could be applied in this case to correct Emma’s behaviour through application of the four main principles of operant conditioning. The parents could apply the principle of negative punishment which is to take something good away so as to decrease certain behaviour. Through application of this principle, they could cut away buying of toys to Emma so that she could be reinforced to clean the room. Also through negative reinforcement principle, which is taking something bad so as to reinforce behaviour could be applied by Emma’s parents. They could stop putting her in time any time that she cleans her room so that she can be reinforced to always clean her room and toys.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Extinction of behaviour in operant conditioning theory can be defined as the disappearance of previously learned behaviour if the behaviour is not reinforced (Hunt et al, 2008). As we have earlier said, reinforcement is the necessity for learning and in which certain behaviour grows. It is either a means to encourage or discourage certain behaviour (Olson Hergenhahn, 2013). For instance, the Emma is conditioned to the behaviour that when she screams hard and through the toys away, her parents will collect them and clean them up for her. If the parents stopped this behaviour, Emma could not adopt this behaviour because it will lack reinforcement and slowly it will cease and become extinct. References Hunt, Elgin F. and Colander, David C. (2008). Social Science, An Introduction to the Study of Society. Olson, M. H. Hergenhahn, B. R. (2013). An introduction to theories of learning (9th ed.). Upper Saddle; River, NJ: Pearson. Staddon, J. E. R., Cerutti, D. T. (2003). Operant conditioning. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 115-44. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jails Old And New Sociology Essay

Jails Old And New Sociology Essay With the advent of civilization and ever improving societies, man has found the need for several constants. The needs for shelter, food and security have been just a few of these constantsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦as has the need for incarceration of some of those members of society that have chosen not to follow the rules that a particular society has deemed as necessary. For those members, jails and prisons were built to hold people before or after a conviction, it is not meant to be a permanent stop for those convicted, just a placeholder. The first jail built was believed to be in 1166, ordered by King Henry II of England, from there jails spread throughout Europe but changed in scope and size over time. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) Workhouses and poorhouses were developed in the 15th and 16th centuries in England where sheriffs took the role of supervising vagrants, the poor and the mentally ill. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) These so-called jails were not sanitized and had unhealthy conditions for the prisoners. This caught the attention of 18th century reformers. One such reformer was English sheriff John Howard. In 1779, Englands Parliament passed the four jail reforms that Howard proposed: secure and sanitary structures, jail inspections, elimination of fees, and an emphasis on reforming prisoners. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) The first jail in the United States was the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia, built in 1773; it housed offenders without regard to sex, age, or offense. The Philadelphia Quakers had wanted the Walnut Street Jail to be a place where inmates reformed themselves through reflection and remorse, but shortly after its opening, it turned into a promiscuous scene of unrestricted intercourse, universal riot and debauchery. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) On October 5, 1835, the Walnut Street Jail closed and those prisoners were transported to another facility. By the close of the 19th century, most cities across the United States had jails to hold persons awaiting trial and to punish convicted felons. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) So, what has changed in the jail population and structures since they were first built? Back in the day, prisoners were treated inhumane, beaten, flogged, and even hung for their crimes. In todays jail society, those types of treatment are nothing but a moment in histor y. There are laws governing the treatment of prisoners and prisoners now have rights on how they are treated. The 8th Amendment, ratified in 1791, protects persons convicted of a crime to not have excessive bail or fines imposed, nor to have cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. (Head) I tend to somewhat disagree with this due to some persons crimes are so hideous that they deserve fines and/or cruel and unusual punishment, I mean look what some of those criminals do to their victims! I think they deserve the same treatment as they gave those victims, but that is just my personal opinion. The design and structure of the jails have also changed. Jails have changed throughout history, and have been through four phases of design, First-Generation, Second-Generation, Third-Generation and Fourth-Generation. First-Generation jails were designed back in the 18th century, and were called linear design. In this design, prisoners lived in cells or dormitories. The cells lined up in the corridors and the inmate supervision was minimal. Staff would walk the corridors and would not be able to see into the cell until they were right up on it. The idea of this type of design was to keep prevent inmates from trying to escape and to keep the staff safe. I would describe this type of jail setting as isolated. The downfall to this type of setting is no type of social contact with anyone unless a fight broke. This was not a solution to what needed to be done in order for the prisoners to reform. These types of jails were more like solitary confinement, which over time would literally drive a person insane. The Second-Generation jails emerged in the 1960s to replace old, rundown linear jails and provide staff officers to observe inmates in a central zone or better known as a control booth, of the jail. The conception of the second-generation jails was for staff to be centralized in one area, which was enclosed in glass for security, to overlook the pods. These jails have been termed podular remote-supervision facilities. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) This type of jail has its difficulties. The advantage for this type of jail is that the staff can see more of the inmates without having to walk down a corridor. The disadvantage for this type of jail is that the staff and inmates are still separated and with no social contact, much like the first-generation jails. The Third-Generation jails, which are also known as direct-supervision jails, were introduced in the early 1970s. The housing unit is podular. The cells are arranged around a common area or dayroom. There is not control booth and no physical barriers between the staff and the inmates. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) The first direct-supervision county jail in the United States was the Martinez Detention Facility in Contra Cost, California. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) With the direct-supervision jails come the principles of Direct Supervision: 1. Effective control, 2. Effective supervision, 3. Competent staff, 4. Staff and inmate safety, 5. Manageable and cost-effective operations, 6. Effective communication, 7. Classification and orientation, 8. Justice and fairness, and 9. Ownership of operations. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) Direct-supervision jails facilitate staff movement, interaction with inmates, and control and leadership over pods. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) With direct-supervis ion, staff and inmates intermingle and this is a positive movement towards the reformation of the inmates and their social skills. You cannot just put someone back into society if he/she has had no contact with other people over a certain amount of time. When you are alone, after a while you get use to the idea of being alone and you get set in your ways and adopt a certain way of doing things. Take my brother for example, no he was not in jail, but he had been living on his own after his divorce for about 10 years and when he recently remarried, it was difficult for him to adapt to new lifestyle that involved another person. He had to adjust his ways that he had been accustomed to and to accept new ideas and new rules for the house. This was very difficult for him and it goes along the same line for inmates. People need social interaction and with the third-generation jails they received it. The Fourth-Generation jails brought improvements to the direct-supervision jails by adding borrowed light or natural sunlight into the day room. This improves the moral of the inmates and staff and saves on electricity bills when it is sunny outside. Along with the borrowed light concept, the fourth-generation jails also implemented program services, more staff, volunteers, and visitors to the jail, even vending machines to the day room. This reduces the feeling of isolation. This improvement adds to the staff the ability to carry out the nine principles of direct-supervision. (Schmalleger Smykla, 2011) Along with these new generation jails requires new interpersonal skills. Officers and staff must have excellent interpersonal skills. They must be able to address minor and major conflicts within the pods, even though in the new generation jails, especially the fourth-generation jails, conflicts are at a minimal rate due to the improved conditions and the attitudes of both the inmates and the staff. Reports have shown that the staff no longer saw themselves as mere guards or defined their jobs as simply to keep criminals locked up. Among the positive impacts, the officers and staff tend to see the jails as cleaner, less crowded, having fresher air, and being more temperate. However, these same researches also showed, even with the improvements, that the staff was no more satisfied than with the new generation jails than the traditional jails. (Appegate Paoline, 2007) I can see how the cleaner jails could be a positive effect on the staff and inmates. Take for example, you are invite d over to a friends house and it is totally in chaos and messy. The friend might be comfortable in that type of environment, but you are not so comfortable. If the environment were cleaner and more organized, you would be more comfortable and able to relax and enjoy that visit. Same thing with jails, the cleaner and organized it is, the more positive the attitudes of the staff and inmates. They will be more prone to communicate and follow the rules than in a run-down, unstructured type of jail. Another point of view would be that if an inmate can see that the place he/she is housed and it is not being take care of properly, what makes them think that anyone cares to find ways of improving it, that the facility is complacent with the conditions? Not that I would want to experience jail life, I would prefer it to be clean, healthy and somewhat a positive environment. With the improvements of the third and fourth generation jails brought, it also brought controversy and disadvantages. Results from studies show that few jails are strictly adhering to the new design techniques that have been recommended for the successful operations of these new generation jails. (Tartaro, 2002) Overcrowding is a popular problem in todays jails and even thought the crime rate is down, there is still overcrowding. Another problem the new generation jails have is the age of the offenders has increased and having the necessary accommodations for these elder prisoners. In the traditional jails, there were no medical treatments available, in todays jails, most jails offer medical treatment, but only on the same level as lower income families. Studies have also shown that inmates with disabilities are a growing problem in that they were discriminated against and most jails do not have the means to house inmates with disabilities, and I mentioned earlier, the 8th amendment protects this group of prisoners in todays society. (Ginsberg, 2009) In closing, the research I have done I have learned that the differences in the old jails and the new jails are similar in some ways and totally opposite in other ways. I believe that in the old jails and the way they were imprisoned were more likely not to repeat their offenses, and in the new jails, offenders are likely to repeat their offenses. In the old jails, inmates were brought into the public eye and were embarrassed by their actions. The old, traditional jails were not focused on reforming the prisoners; they were more focused on punishment to these criminals. In todays jails, we are more focused on reformation of the prisoners and trying to help them merge back into the society from what they once came from, but as I have learned in class, some inmate repeat their offenses because the jail life is better life than what they had. They may have come from broken homes, life of poverty and the jails give them a place of security and more of a home life than what they had. As s ad as this is, it is true and with the economy the way it is, this would seem like a better life. New generation emerged due to society to stand against the inhumane treatment that convicts were submitted to and to require the transformation of detention places from excusive instruments of punishment into establishments of moral recuperation (Merei, 2012) Merei also stated that in the nineteenth century, it was developed the concept according to which jails could become, from the means of expiation of the evil committed, social sanctums for healing the soul of the one in conflict with the laws of society . In Mereis report, she mentioned that a man named Panait Mucoiu made a categorical statement, which sums it all up. Mucoiu stated, As long as you take the mens freedom, you will definitely not transform him into a better person. You will harvest relapse. By incarcerating him and by giving him, every moment, the conviction that everything that happens in detention is a punishment, t he society proceeds with all its resources to make him an enemy. (Merei, 2012) Appegate, B. K., Paoline, E. A. (2007, June). Jail Officers Perceptions of the Work Environment In Traditional Versus New Generation Facilities. Retrieved November 21, 2012, from ProQuest Criminal Justice: Ginsberg, B. (2009, June). Out with the new, in with the old: the importance of section 504 of the Rehabiliation Act to prisoners with disabilites. p. 713. Head, T. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2012, from Civil Liberties: Merei, L. E. (2012, January). The affirmation of the renewing current of prison reform in the 19th century Romanian thinking. p. 313. Schmalleger, F., Smykla, J. (2011). Corrections in the 21st Century. New York: McGraw-Hill. Tartaro, C. (2002, September ). Examining Implementation Issues with New Generation Jails. Retrieved November 21, 2012, from Sage Journals:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Parasites of Atlas Shrugged Essays -- Atlas Shrugged

The Parasites of Atlas Shrugged  Ã‚   In this world, and in the world of Ayn Rand’s imagination, there are two kinds of people: those who live to create, and those who wish to live as parasites feeding off the benefits of those creations. In Atlas Shrugged, she explores what might happen when the creators of the world stop creating; the parasites are left to try to live on their own. The novels that Miss Rand writes always reflect this sort of thing. She writes of the battle between the two types of people as some write of the battles between good and evil. In reality, each side of the battle can be equated in such terms. These writings provide a detailed analysis of the two forces, and leave the reader with a profound sense of vitality and inspiration.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The group of parasites, or as the novel labels them, â€Å"looters,† live futile lives. The looters are those who prefer not to think, not to act, not to truly exist if at all possible. They attend trivial social gatherings and follow, like a mindless herd, the latest fashion trends. In Atlas Shrugged, the primary social concern among these second-handers is that of equality in capitalism. They cannot provide, so they attack those that can. They pretend to act as champions for the underdog in an economy that seems to be falling apart. They believe that anyone who works solely for the sake of success is evil, and must be stopped. Those looters, who ride on the backs of such people, completely believe that they are owed a life because they exist. They feel they should be loved because they are alive, not for any accomplishment or display of worth on their part. To these people, the existence of anything innovative, strong, or fearless is a slap in the face, so they adjus... ...She writes of the type of person that one can only hope exists in this world still. The message of her writing and philosophy is contained in a single phrase from the novel: â€Å"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine,† (731). This is an inspiration, awakening an inner voice and drive that impels each person to do their absolute best. It implores the soul of the reader to awaken, to become the ideal of the human spirit, and to rise until it can rise no higher. It is a call to anyone with reason, anyone with the strength to be an Atlas, and it is reminding him or her of their duty to live up to the individual potential. For as long as there are those who would hear the message, there will still be hope for mankind. Works Cited: Rand, Ayn. Atlas Shrugged. New York: Signet, 1957.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Unity of the World in Plotinian Philosophy :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

The Unity of the World in Plotinian Philosophy ABSTRACT: Do classical, contemplative philosophies have anything to teach which is relevant to life here and now? In the case of Plotinus, yes. While Platonic metaphysics is most often summarized as dualistic, where one sensible world stands apart from and in tension with an intelligible (or mystical) world, in the case of Plotinus this interpretation is incorrect. He does distinguish between sensibles and sense-experience, on one hand, and intelligibles and intelligible experience, on the other; but the two belong together intimately: both are located in the same space, and the sensible is related to the intelligible as a shadow to its object or a reflection to what it reflects. Plotinus’ world is one. Given this picture, one rightly wonders at the status of the Plotinian exhortation for the soul to flee "alone to the Alone." Does not the journey of the soul to its source require a passing beyond of this world to some other? No, Plotinus exhortation should be understood as a reorientation, a reordering within the world here and now, not a rejection of one reality in favor of some other. This can be likened to Aesop’s fable, "The Dog and the Bone," where the dog had the choice between one real and one illusory bone, not two separate bones. Similarly, Plotinus’ world, though it can be perceived dualistically, is ontologically one; hence his metaphysics, far from otherworldly, offers a means of understanding life as it is to be lived here and now. My paper takes as the starting point for its argument the traditional interpretation (and classic criticism) of Platonic metaphysics as a two worlds view of reality: one world, that which includes this room of people, i.e., the here and now which is characterized by change, disorder, conflict, coming to be and passing out of being, corruption, etc.; and another world, located who knows where, but certainly not identical to what we see around us at present, the realm of changelessness and order, ontological perdurance, harmony, unity: Plato's "plain of Truth", the residence of the forms. In light of these two worlds, the Platonic philosopher's wisdom, whatever it may be, must be a wisdom not of this world. Indeed, did not Plato's Socrates himself say that his life— the philosophical life— was the art of practising death? Should that Socrates— or anyone who professes to be a Platonic philosopher— show up at, let us say, the World Congress of

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Trade Protectionism Put to the Test Essay -- Essays Papers

Trade Protectionism Put to the Test The idea behind trade protectionism as policy is that domestic industry cannot or should not have to compete with imports from foreign producers and that domestic workers’ jobs are at risk when trade is unrestricted. Most economists, and a large portion of the public would agree when looking at the big picture that free trade is positive for importers and exporters, as well as consumers. The very basic theories of comparative advantage, specialization and trade make a compelling argument for trade without barriers. Trade based on comparative advantage produces higher outputs for both importers and exporters, higher quality of goods, lower prices, greater varieties of goods from which to select, and an overall greater sense of economic well-being. The disadvantages of implementing quotas, tariffs, or other forms of barriers to trade far outweigh any perceived advantages. There are cases to prove that more jobs are actually lost under protectionism than saved. Historicall y, trade barriers result in higher prices to consumers, higher taxes (taxes on imported goods as well as those to cover additional bureaucratic infrastructure to force compliance with trade restrictions), developing counties that have no way to repay debt as their ability to export is squashed, and trade wars that have proven a deterrent to world peace. This paper will look at the evidence that trade protectionism has an overwhelmingly harmful effect on developing countries. It creates and rewards inefficiency in the marketplace. It benefits only special interest groups while the masses are forced to pay higher prices for lesser quality and choice. The costs (both monetary and non-monetary) far outweigh any benefi... ...some military conflicts. During the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe, mercantilism led to nonstop wars in efforts to expand empires and build larger markets. The American Revolution and the Civil War can be said to have many issues at their core, not lease of which were tariffs and export restrictions. In 1930, the Smoot-Hawley Act, was signed by President Hoover and raised tariffs (some as much as 100%). What followed were similar trade restrictions implemented by other countries. This was followed immediately by the Great Depression and then by World War II. Obviously, these historical examples do not represent empirical data to connect trade protectionism to war and unrest. However, it is enough to give pause for thought to consider the possibility that trade restriction policies (and those created in retaliation) may create and feed hostility and ill will.

Labor Productivity

Labor productivity is a key element in the explanation of how the economy works. It is especially important with regard to wages. What follows is some material about labor productivity and investment spending that is a reorganization of what is presented in your textbook. Its focus is on the connection between labor productivity and wages. Labor productivity is the value of the product or service you can produce in an hour, day, week or other unit of time. The value you can produce depends on the amount of work-product you can produce and the price at which that product can be sold. When the product is sold, the owner keeps part of that value as profit, and part of it goes to pay for other production expenses. The worker then gets the residual as the wage. (The Marxists like to talk about this as exploitation and expropriation of the surplus. ) If you want a sustained increase in your real wage, you have to have an increase in labor productivity. However, you may not get a raise just because your labor productivity rises. Labor productivity may rise, thereby raising the value of your day’s work, but the owner can keep the increase as higher profit. This raises two questions: How can you get to keep a part of increased labor productivity in a higher wage, and what contributes to systematic increases in labor productivity? First, your boss will want to keep you as a worker, assuming you are a good one. When the business cycle is at a point where actual GDP is near full employment and expanding, other firms will want to hire workers away from the company you work for. You get a raise to keep you where you are. The other way is to have a union that negotiates with the owner for a share of increased labor productivity. To answer the second question, consider the following. Systematic increases in labor productivity come from investment spending. Investment spending, in the broadest sense, refers to spending that creates more capital for workers to use. The most obvious capital is new plant and equipment and new technology. If workers have better machines (a rise in the capital to labor ratio), they can produce more value per hour. The common sense of this can be seen with a simple example: How much land can you till and plant if your capital is just a stone? How much if you have a shovel? How much if you have a shovel and a hoe? How much if you have a tractor and a plow? How about a great big tractor with four wheel drive, 8 or more wheels and huge implements to go with the tractor? The same thinking applies to service work as well. Human capital is less tangible than machines but very real. Human capital refers to skills, knowledge, analytical ability, and especially the ability to teach yourself new stuff. It is the corner stone of the modern economy. If you don’t have much human capital, the workplace will not pay you too much for your time. Human capital comes through job training, formal and informal education, and self-education. The value of a four-year college degree comes mostly from the analytical abilities you develop and the ability to teach yourself new stuff, and you can only develop these skills by practicing, which is what studying is all about. Innovation and new technology come out of the application of human capital to the problem of ever-present scarcity. The problem with acquiring human capital is that the process is expensive, and there are real financial and risk constraints faced by individuals. If individuals were left to pay the entire cost of training and education, there would be less of it than the economy needs because of these constraints. So in modern society, through government, assumes a large chunk of the risk through the subsidization of job training and education. TriCounty is a classic example. The taxpayers pay most of the expense of the services provided, and the taxpayers receive the benefits spread out over time because companies have a more productive labor force to draw from, a labor force with the human capital needed to pursue higher-valued work. This is the case throughout the industrialized world. Infrastructure is the third category of capital. Infrastructure can be public or private. Communications companies are private infrastructure. Roads, bridges, and most airports are public infrastructure. Public infrastructure exists when private companies lack an incentive to provide the needed capital. The lack of incentive comes from the lack of ability to exclude non-payers from utilizing the products or service. National defense and public fire stations are examples. When the infrastructure is private, consumers pay for the costs of producing the services in the price they pay for the services. When the infrastructure is public, consumers pay for the services with taxes and sometimes fees. If you want a sustained increase in wages, you have to have an increase in labor productivity, so you need additional capital, so you need additional investment spending, and if you want more investment spending, you need more savings. If you want more human capital and public infrastructure, you need more tax revenue. There is no way around it.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Task One

While evaluating Company G's attitude toward social responsibility it seems they made some decisions based on the severe lack of revenue over a period time, which motivated them to close a couple of stores. Those stores, which were located in a major metropolitan area, were also characterized as high-crime areas. By closing those stores, it no doubt had a negative economic impact both directly and indirectly on the people in those store locations. For the now unemployed people they will eave to look for another source of income and benefits.The community members that relied on those stores for groceries, will now have to travel to another store possibly at a longer distance and will have to commit more time and money. Company Q also listened to years of requests from its consumers to offer better options for the health-conscience consumers. The product selections were limited and were known as high margin items, which meaner they are more expensive to produce and the company won't se ll as many. There is usually is very little intention with these products and so they can afford to hold on their inventory for more time.When the local food bank asked to give day-old product, Company Q opted to get rid of the food because they were worried about being swindled by their employees. The company perhaps has seen poor choices and conduct from their employees which may have led to deciding it was best to dispose of the food rather than deal with the possibility of fraud. Company Q doesn't trust it workers to make good choice's with their resources I recommend three steps to help increase the

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Cockroach

The poem â€Å"The cockroach†, written by Kevin Halligan, is a meaningful and interesting poem. As a Buddhist convert, the poet has use the journey of the cockroach to describe many aspects of human life. Initially, Halligan presents human life as joyful and excited in the childhood . A good illustration of this when Halligan uses the phrases â€Å"skirting a ball of dust†, â€Å"satisfied† and â€Å"start to pace† to present it. As we all know, the cockroach represent humanity and his journey is an extended metaphor for human life.So from that point of view, we should understand that when the cockroach â€Å"start to pace† is when the human life starts. In childhood, we can have fun by do meaningless things with no specific goal just like the cockroach â€Å"skirt [‘s] a ball of dust† and â€Å"satisfy† with that game. Children have their parental protection and they have nothing to worry about. Life was so easy, innocent and re laxed at that period of life. For the rest of the poem – which also represents the rest of the life time – we cannot see other words that use to describe the positive feelings of the cockroach.So maybe for Halligan, childhood was the most unaware stage of the entire human life. And through the poem, the readers can feel that this stage was short-lived. Secondly, Halligan shows that after childhood, life only remain with many dramas and tough decision. For example, the poet describe that on the cockroach’s journey, he â€Å"jog [‘s] in crooked ring†, and â€Å"scratch his wings† as he’s a â€Å"victim of a mild attack†. This show that sometimes in their life, humans lose their goal, lost their direction or met a drama that they don’t know what to do next but â€Å"circling the rusty table† – just like the cockroach.And a result of the loss of direction, the cockroach â€Å"scratch [‘es] his wings†, this is similar with how drama leave us with a bad mental health. Yet in life, we have to face a lot of drama and different kind of it. We can have drama like broken heart, the loss of a relative, failure in career†¦ Day after day, we cannot get rid of the depression it cause and the â€Å"restlessness that worsened over time†. Life after childhood continues but with more problems, and we cannot go through it easily . Human can get lost and they cannot get out of their own dramas . The persona now portrays human life as difficult and full of crises.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

16th Century European Explorations Essay

What are the reasons that made the European explorers risk taking the hazardous journey to the Americans in the 16th century. The Europeans in the first place were not aware that there is a continent known as America and they came to know of it after Christopher Columbus went on his search for a route to the Far East but landed on the Americans by mistake. He thought he was already in India when he saw the Indian natives in the Americas. My main interest in this essay is to discuss about the three major reasons that made European explorers of the 16th century risk to move all the way from Europe to the Americas. Shortly after Columbus landed in the Americas, he explored further in this region sometimes back in 1492. His real intention was to look for a short cut to the East Asia but fortunately or unfortunately landed into the Americas. After further exploration, he found that the region had a very fertile soil for farming. When he returned to his mother country he told them how the area was suitable for agriculture, they European felt very intrigued to go and see for themselves. Many rich Spaniards who were facing sharp competition in their motherland Spain sent their envoys all the way to the Americas to look for a virgin place where they could establish their new businesses. On this understanding then they were motivated by commercial reasons. The European explorers and especially the Spaniards established their first settlement in Virginia at a place called Jamestown. Various companies that had already established themselves in Spain sent them to market these companies. The example of these companies was chartered Virginia Company which was seeking for new business opportunities. Most of these companies were in search of gold but when they realized it was not forthcoming they switched to plantation farming. At first they were reluctant but their leaders convinced them that its search was not addressing their immediate need that was affecting them and this was food. After this they established cash crop business especially at Maryland. In the beginning they used European immigrants and the local natives to work in these plantations but when they proved to be unable to meet the demand for the job, slaves started being shipped in form West Africa. The second reason why European explorers risked going to the Americas was the search for a free ground where they could practice their religion without fear of being persecuted. Most of these were Protestants who were against the Roman Catholic. Due to the 16th century protestant reformation different sects emerged, something that provoked the attention of the Western government as the Christendom of this region became disturbed by these divisions. One of these sects was Puritans who constantly questioned the integrity of the Roman Catholic. They were specifically concerned with the religions roles that were done by this church and yet they had no biblical backing. This group faced very strong resistance from the government authorities who were determined to crash them. They reacted to this move by persecuting all the puritans in their areas of jurisdiction. Due to this persecution, more than twenty thousand dissenters made their way to the new land when they went to the Americas, the Pennsylvanian authority making this colony to be a home for Quaker refugees, Baptists and Swiss Protestants, welcomed them. Those who faced persecution at home were lured with less costly land and religious freedom in the Americas and for these reasons they had to sail to Americas rather than face persecution at home at home. The third reason for the Europeans to go to the Americas is because they were sponsored by their mother states. No European nation wanted to be left behind in the exploration game. For example Christopher Columbus was sponsored by Spain to go on exploration expedition in a bid to look for a direct route to the Far East. Another sponsored explorer was a colonialist known as John Cabot. He was the first to discover the newfound land was sent by England. Portugal sent its own colonialists to explore on its behalf. Portugal sent Pedro Cabral to go to Brazil to look for colonies. The Portuguese sponsored explorers discovered Canada. What followed after these sponsored explorations was a wave of conquest especially on the part of the Spaniards. They were the first to establish a colonial rule in the Americas. Therefore we have seen that there were various reasons that forced the Europeans to sail all the way to the Americas despite the fact that they were not well familiar with this region. It is very clear that one of the reasons was commercial based, the second was because of church persecution in Europe and the last one was the temptation the explorers received from the European governments. So this exploration was not done for the sake of it but for specificreasons

Friday, September 13, 2019

University Convineince Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

University Convineince Store - Essay Example The store,  which is planned to be opened in the university campus,  is mainly targeted to provide a convenience to the students residing in the university accommodation and just off campus. The opening of convenience store in the university campus will be of a great deal because the campus is located in  the out strikes of the city  and there is no convenient availability of groceries and other products available to students. The store will be of a great convenience to the student community  and  there is also a high need of such store in the area. The store will provide a hassle free experience of shopping the daily requirement commodities used by the students (Targeting Convenience Store Customers, 2011). The convenient store will also provide utensils like books, pencils, pens and so on, to students in the campus which is in high demand at the campus and which the students found it difficult to manage. Bringing the convenience store will be highly beneficial to the ar ea and students (City of Saint John Citizen Survey - Fall 2010, 2010). Target Market The target market has been identified by analyzing the need of the community at large. The target market needs to be evaluated in order to analyze the targeted customer group. The target market for the convenience store is the main university area and the nearby localities which can approach the store in an easy and convenient manner.  As the campus is located in the out strikes of the city, there is a high inconvenience and hassle faced by the students to meet their day to day requirements (Dunne, Lusch & Carver, 2010). Looking at this factor the target market set for the convenience store are the university campus and nearby areas. There are a large number of students residing in the university... Convenience is the vital factor which is seen by each and every individual around the globe when looking for purchasing the day to day usability items. Convenience store can be said to be as the store which provides a range of products with respect to the day to day usability items like, toiletries, alcoholic, news papers groceries and tobacco products and so on. These stores are opened in the localities which provide convenience to customers to make their purchases in an easy and convenient manner. The report has successfully defined about the convenience store which offers the day to day usability items to the individuals. The report has also discussed the market and customers, which can be targeted by the store for selling their products. The report has discussed that university and hospitals can be targeted for selling the goods. The report has also described that students, staff, patients, local business, tourist, researchers, and athletics can be targeted by the convenience store and can easily increase their sale. Through offering a wide range of goods; the store can enhance its sale and increase its profitability. If the customer based is increased the store can gain reputation or popularity in the near by area and can easily increase its customer along with customer loyalty.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The theory of utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The theory of utilitarianism - Essay Example Utilitarianism theory is referred to by some as the consequentialist ethical theory. It is expressed in the form that asserts that people should always act so as to produce the greatest ratio of good to evil for everyone. This has great appeal in the area of welfare economics and does not differ dramatically from the philosophies and beliefs of Keynes, Pareto, and Pigou; some might even include Marx in this category. The utilitarians believe that when choosing between two actions, the one that produces the greatest net happiness should be the one chosen. Where most of them disagree with one another is in the area of how this principle should be applied. There are also several stated weaknesses in this concept. It ignores actions that appear to be wrong in themselves; it espouses the concept that the end justifies the means; the principles may come into conflict with that of justice; and it is extremely difficult to formulate and establish satisfactory rules of application.Utilitarian ism manifests itself in two major forms. The stronger of the two is so-called act-utilitarianism. Under this system, the moral agent considers the consequences of only the action under consideration. The second system is called rule-utilitarianism. Here the moral agent considers a set of rules by which life should be lived. The basis of accepting or rejecting a rule is whether the consequences of everyone following the rule will result in the maximum probable good consequences. Rule-utilitarianism may be regarded as a weaker form of utilitarianism than act-utilitarianism.... Most professionals are already familiar with a system that acts very much like utilitarianism: cost/benefit analysis. In the cost/benefit system the manager attempts to balance the probable costs of taking a particular course of action with the probable benefits to be derived. Most people realize that cost/benefit analysis becomes more and more sticky as the analysis moves away from measurability in terms of dollars. Measurement of benefits has been particularly problematic. Writers on this subject have attempted to balance the costs of companies reporting on their adherence to social responsibility with the costs of not doing so. Bentham was classified in England as utilitarian with the application of hedonism on the social level; that is, happiness is the end of all human existence. He based his social reform on what he considered right and wrong, which in turn was developed from his definition of utility (Rosen 19). Utility was measured on a pain-happiness relationship, which was reduced to a common denominator: money. This reduction to the common factor of money was necessary because different people have different utility for the same item. Although his ideas were considered controversial at the time, they were later accepted by many, as can be seen in a recent study conducted by the American Council on Education of more than 200,000 students. The survey showed that more than three quarters of college freshmen now think that getting rich is what will make them happy and what life is all about. Twenty years ago, only 39 percent indicated that affluence was an essential goal; at that time, a "meaningful phi losophy of life" was what mattered -- a goal that now motivates only a minority of students (Rosen 21). Critics of utilitarianism

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Border security issues (week 5) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Border security issues (week 5) - Essay Example For example, there are those who believe that all it takes is an automatic green light indication by one official, for a truck full of illegal immigrants, weapons or drugs to pass through the border (Payan, 2006). Public corruption in Amexica, stems deep to the point that people know it is difficult to apply for documents like driver’s license, company license, permits and other documents unlike in other parts of United States. According to Kolb (2013), a Fox news journalist, studies show that corruption is on the rise, among the border patrol agents. Illegal immigrants also know that in order to live comfortably and protect their illegal businesses from police intrusion, bribing their way in is the best solution. However, corruption is not only a problem in Amexica because it affects both United States and Mexico (Payan, 2006). Corruption of this kind poses a risk to the social, political and economic prosperity of a country. For example, porous borders have forced investors to hold back in fear of losing their investments, causing a slow economic growth to the areas next to Amexica. Mexican citizens no longer trust in the law enforcers, that is why they live in fear and continue to c ross the border as illegal immigrants. As noted in this discussion, public corruption (PC) ultimately affects everyone whether it is in Amexica, at work or other communities. It raises questions such as: should mandatory jail time only apply to illegal migrants only? Border officials, civil servants and citizens involved in harboring illegal migrants should face the full force of the law. Discipline can only be achieved if law penalties are applicable to all parties involved in corruption. Kolb, J. (Photographer). (2013, Jan 15). Study finds corruption on rise among border agents, rep says security ‘at risk’ [Fox News Channel]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

BFS 3460-08B-2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (BFS3460-08B-2) Essay

BFS 3460-08B-2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (BFS3460-08B-2) - Essay Example Fire protection system designers also need the drawings of all electrical installations and drawings of the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system in the building (Edwards, 2000). Information on electrical installations is also needed as this would help to decide on the most suitable place to put the alarm that would be triggered in the event of a fire outbreak. Information on the HVAC system is also needed in order to know their location and design the smoke detection system in such a way that it does not sense the flue from the HVAC system as smoke from a fire. The fire protection system designer also needs to have the drawings of strategic areas in the building where the fire protection system would be easily accessible and would then design the protection system, bearing in mind that the system would be placed in this location. The designer would also need to know the number of floors & basement in the building. He also needs to have information on the staircase, structural members, truss construction, the number & size of openings in the exterior walls and the configuration of the ceilings. The designer also needs to know how the building is used and purpose the building is used

Monday, September 9, 2019

Ronald Reagan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ronald Reagan - Essay Example Franklin Delano Roosevelt's populist rhetoric attracted Reagan to him and later influenced Reagan's speaking style† (Reagan 2020). During the early stages of his career, he landed a job as radio sports sportscaster, â€Å"first at WOC in Davenport, IA, later a full time staff announcer at WHO in Des Moines† (United States. Presidents p. vii). â€Å"However, his biggest break came in the year 1937, when he joined a screen test and succeeded him a contract in Hollywood. Reagan was a famous movie actor during the next two decades and he graced in a total of 53 films† (The White House). â€Å"Account of his personal life included a first marriage to actress Jane Wyman while filming the movie Brother Rat. His first child Maureen was born and Michael Reagan was adopted before their divorce in 1949† (United States Presidents viii). â€Å"In 2001, his first child Maureen passed away†( The White House). â€Å"In 1952, he remarried to a fellow actress in the person of Nancy Davis, with whom had two children, Patricia Ann and Ronald Prescott† (The White House). â€Å"Reagan and Davis appeared only in one film entitled Hell Cats of the Navy which was filmed in 1957. In 2002, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary†. ... â€Å"In 1952, he campaigned as a Democrat for Eisenhower. Reagan accepted a job as spokesman for the General Electric Company† (Reagan 2020) which allowed him to â€Å"tour the country by giving speeches as General Electric’s spokes person† (United States President p. viii). He became an advocate for conservatism as this was evident during his speeches. â€Å"In 1960 Reagan joined the campaign of Richard Nixon when he ran for Presidency. In 1962, he officially made a swing to another party which is Republican. It was during his speech in the year 1964, where he appeared on a television address for Goldwater, A Time for Choosing, which officiated his bid to enter a political career. There were several groups who supported his political career, particularly, the group of California businessmen who placed him in his gubernatorial bid. His first autobiography entitled Where's the Rest of Me?  was published in 1965† (Reagan 2020). â€Å"Reagan was elected G overnor of California in 1966 by a margin of a million votes† (The White House). It was during this time when he conquered the incumbent governor then, Edmund G. Brown by a landslide of over a million votes. His success in the election as governor prepared him to become a leading contender for the Republican Presidential race in 1968 (Reagan 2020)†. â€Å"In the same year of 1968, he made a tentative run for the presidency, while waiting until the Republican National Convention to announce his candidacy† (Reagan 2020). He gave his support to Richard Nixon as he joined his massive supporters. â€Å"He sought for re-election as governor and won in 1970† (The White House). â€Å"In the year 1974, months after the expiration of his term as Governor, he began to write for a syndicated

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Alzheimers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Alzheimers - Essay Example I was told that she was suffering with Alzheimer’s disease, a condition very often found in people above 60. This is a neurological disorder leading to dementia, and most commonly described as loss of mental abilities such as memory and reasoning. With its progressive nature, it manifests as slight memory and language problems in the beginning and further leading to confusion, personality and behavioral changes. Thus, this disease manifests in the form of cognitive and behavioral symptoms. The most common clinical findings in this disease include loss of recent memory, problems in calculation and execution of activities. These difficulties eventually progress to dementia in a span of eight to nine years. Motor functions may get impaired in the terminal stages of the disease causing inability to walk or move. The pathological precursors of this disease begin several decades before the clinical symptoms are manifested. The most important characteristic features of this disease, as described by Alois Alzheimer in 1907, are neuronal loss, profuse extracellular deposition of amyloid B peptide (AB), and widespread formation of intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles, usually found in the higher order cortical regions including frontal, parietal, and temporal cortex and the limbic system, and are relatively rare in primary motor or sensory areas except for olfaction. For this reason, Alzheimers disease is looked at more like a cognitive disorder than motor one (Rogers, J.; 200 1). However, the reasons for neurodegeneration are still unknown. Alzheimers disease, like most other chronic diseases, is likely to be caused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental risk factors. A few definite risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease, identified by Kuhn and Bennett (2003), are advanced age, family history in firs-degree blood relation, genetics, Down’s syndrome, history of head trauma, and low

Workplace of tomorrow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workplace of tomorrow - Essay Example Malone in his book, The Future Arrived Yesterday, has given a good introduction to the workplace of the future and has shown the way to build tomorrow’s workplace. He describes the changing paradigm and shows the way as to how companies can build the workplace of the future by innovation, nimbleness and an ability to adapt to rapidly changing trends. He has characterized the workplace of tomorrow as a nimble ever changing entity that adapts itself to new trends and provides challenges to the employees in terms of the work that they do as well as making them intellectually and emotionally fulfilling. The need of the hour is to provide employees with intellectual challenges and emotional fulfillment. To quote from the book about the workplace of tomorrow, â€Å"What I am talking about is the kind of tough-minded leadership that sees people-oriented management as a competitive advantage, one that increases productivity and innovation, reduces turnover, and makes the company less vulnerable to market shifts and to competitive shocks. This is management that fulfills the spiritual, emotional, and moral needs of subordinates not because it is inherently decent (though that is certainly the grounding for these actions), but because it makes the organization they inhabit more effective. This is the kind of pragmatic leadership that historically has been found in the best managed and most admired organizations, from Hewlett-Packard and IBM a half-century ago to Grameen Bank and Google today. These firms are inevitably admired for their innovation, their employee policies and work envir onments, and their contributions to society, but what they should be celebrated for most is their recognition that the secret to building an unbeatable, world-class enterprise lies in understanding not just the heads, but the hearts, of their employees and customers†. (Malone, 2009) As the above paragraph shows, the workplace of tomorrow would be characterized by flexibility